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Cochise Rodeo

Cochise Women's Rodeo finishes 2nd, Men finish 3rd in front of hundreds during Cochise College Rodeo September 27th & 28th

DOUGLAS, Ariz. --- Cochise College hosted its annual Rodeo event at the Cochise County Fairgrounds on Friday, September 27th, and Saturday, September 28th. The first round, known as the "long-go," took place Friday evening, followed by the extra participants, known as the "slack". The "short round" performance took place Saturday evening in front of hundreds of spectators, which according to Rodeo head coach Lynn Smith, is one of the largest crowds of the rodeo season.

Macie Fowlie, who is in her third season with Cochise College, won 1st place overall in the goat-tying event leading her team to a 2nd place overall showing. The Cochise Men's Rodeo team placed 3rd overall in team points led by sophomore Taten Erickson, who placed 2nd in the average for the tie-down roping event. 

Below are the individual results courtesy of the Cochise College Rodeo Program Facebook page:

Day 1: Friday, September 27th (long-go)

Tie Down Roping

Taten Erickson 2nd place

Team Roping

Gavin Lopez 5th place

Walker Story Top-10

Saddle Bronc Riding

Tegan Zebroski 5th place

Breakaway Roping 

Macie Fowlie 5th place

Goat Tying

Macie Fowlie 2nd place

Sealey Bottom 1st place

Rilee Christensen 6th place

Camila Gonzalez 5th place


Day 2: Saturday, September 28th (short-go)

Tie Down Roping

Taten Erickson 4th place

Teryn Zebroski Qualifier

Steer Wrestling

Beau Eager 2nd place

Saddle Bronc Riding

Tegan Zebroski 3rd place

Goat Tying

Macie Fowlie 1st place

Barrel Racing

Sealey Bottom 3rd


Averages (Overall)

Tie Down Roping

Taten Erickson 2nd place

Tristan Goodwin 6th place

Team Roping

Steer Wrestling

Saddle Bronc Riding

Tegan Zebroski 3rd place

Goat Tying

Macie Fowlie 1st place

Sealey Bottom 3rd/4th place

Murphy Gaasch 5th place

Barrel Racing

Sealey Bottom 5th place


Up Next..

The Cochise College Rodeo team will head to Mesalands Community College in Tucumcari, New Mexico, on Friday/Saturday, October 11th & 12th.